Once upon a time, cars had devices — called transmissions — that shifted gears — just like the ones on a bike when you pedal. This allows the bike to speed it up or slow it down depending on your riding style. These days, many new cars come equipped with a type of transmission that smooths out the ride so that everyone inside feels more comfortable. This special transmission is called a " CVT " transmission, and one of the popular car brands that have cars with this kind of technology is Nissan!
If you're riding in a CVT equipped car, you may never even notice when the car is shifting gears. That is because a CVT transmission does not operate at all like the more traditional transmission styles. Old transmissions had fixed gears which you felt change but the CVT employs a unique system including at least some of a set and belts. All those components work together to make the transition from one speed to another smooth, without the shout of clunks and bumps. This makes for a very quiet and smooth running car, and the ride feels very pleasant and calm for all occupants.
Other pretty fantastic benefit of Nissan's CVT transmission is that it practices the cars use less gasoline. This means that the car can go much longer distances on less fuel than before. The CVT transmission is an automatic transmission that can vary how fast you are going without stopping and starting like the older types of transmissions. This constant finetuning allows the car to burn less gas — good for your wallet and the planet!
Nissan has put in an awful lot of work into developing its CVT technology over the years, and they've paid off big time. Thanks to its state-of-the-art gears and intelligent computer programming within its CVT transmission, Nissan cars can achieve some of the highest fuel economy ratings available on the market. This means you will be able to drive a Nissan equipped with a CVT transmission further down the road without having to constantly refill the gas tank, ultimately saving you money!
One of the reasons many people buy Nissan cars is because they all have a CVT transmission. Drivers have multiple reasons to favor this transmission type. And while some folks appreciate a CVT transmission to take the drudgery out of commuting, getting to where they want to go smoothly and enjoyably. Some are pleased with how fuel-efficient Nissan's CVT technology can be, saving them money at the pump. Some drivers just think it is cool to have the latest car tech! But whatever the case may be, it is obvious that Nissan's CVT transmissions are widely used by many drivers of today who seek out a safe and efficient drive.
The CVT transmission from Nissan is an advanced piece of technology that can sometimes be a little bit hard for people to understand. Nissan has tried to explain its technology in a manner that—almost!—everyone can appreciate. A CVT transmission will allow you to feel like the gears change less frequently as you drive in a Nissan to ensure that your ride feels smoother. This CVT system is smart enough that it learns about your driving preferences and then adjusts its performance accordingly. The CVT transmission also conserves energy because it works like a smart manager, deciding how to best use gasoline to drive the vehicle, a capability that benefits the car as well as the environment.
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